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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($750)$750.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (2x $375)2x $375.00

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With A TwistReady to give your brand a fresh new vibe? $0
With a Twist is a one-day intensive designed for queer and BIPOC entrepreneurs who want to elevate their existing brand with more versatility and alignment. 

We will expand your current logo with a refreshed color palette, typography selection, and two additional logo variations—so your brand feels more refined and ready to scale. 
What's Included: 
 A strategy call to align your vision and goals Expanded color and typography palette to enhance your brand Two additional logo variations for more versatility A one-page brand guidelines sheet for consistency Final deliverables provided after the intensive

With a refreshed brand, you'll feel more aligned, empowered to charge more, and confident in your visual identity. Let’s give your brand a twist that sets you apart!
  • Total payment
  • 1xWith A Twist$0

All prices in USD

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